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Data Analytics


Customers’ perceptions and values change daily, what may work for your company to reach your customer base now could be different in a day, week, or month. What’s worse is that your competitor may figure out what that is before you do.  This is why EVIDENT is the strongest partner to bring your company the tools, knowledge and insights to make data driven decisions and see when the customers opinions and values change, so that your company can change and grow with them.

Not only is your company unique, but so is every other company out there now.  The tools and technology to make any singular producer have a competitive edge are becoming more and more accessible throughout every industry.  EVIDENT has the capability though to bring something that other companies can only try to have, knowledge and experience.  With over 30 years in the market analytics field, we are able to zero in on not what makes your company unique, but what makes your customers unique, allowing for targeted products and advertising to give your company the competitive edge it deserves.

Moving into any new direction takes risks, and anyone that plays Monopoly can tell you, calculated risks have a better payback then a knee jerk reaction.  Understanding your company’s customer base and the entire market in general can help your company make those calculated risks when it comes time to take that chance that can bring your business to the next level, whether it be the national market, international market, new product category, or new idea. 


Most all current EHS metrics are measured using lagging indicators—things that already happened that were most likely avoidable.  There has a to be a better way to not only benchmark, but to predict events, and even more, to prevent incidents.  With Evident as your partner, we can come in and help develop, design and implement EHS strategies that can help predict and prevent events.  Using proven new technologies and methods, such as AI, Big Data, and G-Charting, we can help make your company safer, more efficient, and more cost competitive.

Furthermore, EHS is universal to companies within all industries.  We can help compare your company to others in the same fields to see where you stand, where you can improve, and safety features that can be applied to the industry across the board so that everyone can win.  When we can help develop a perfect process, then we can help apply that to all of our clients, and make sure that recognition is made where it’s due, and that the industry as a whole can be the safest that it can be.

Sales Analysis

Sales data collected by your company can be a crystal ball to how your customers think, how your company works, and where there are savings and opportunities hidden.  Here at Evident, we have a passion to for finding those hidden deep in your data.  We are intrigued by how customers think, and how to apply that to operations, advertising, marketing, and efficiencies.  Questions that we love are things like:

  • How can we predict what inventory needed based on past sale trends?
  • Can we reduce staffing at certain times due to decreased demand?
  •  Can the inventory/manufacture ratio be optimized to reduce cost overheads?

But the possibilities are endless! Reach out and set up a meeting with us, and we sure we can figure out a project that we can work on to help make your business more lean, efficient, and optimized.


Customers that aren’t happy customers will quickly turn into ex-customers and lost opportunities.  Evident has the capabilities to measure what customers think of your company, your product, and your sales reps.  Have customers that keep coming back? We can find out what they love about your company and how you can sell that to others.  Losing sales that are often a slam dunk? We can investigate the root cause and help develop a game plan to get you back to winning.  Have a sales rep that is consistently outperforming others? By observing their behaviors, communications, and sales tactics, we can design a checklist that can help other sales reps to match the performance.

But only happy employees can make happy customers.  Understanding your customers feelings and emotions about your product and your company can help with sales plans, salesperson development, and sales strategies that can give your company the edge over your competitors.  What is making your company gain customers? What is making your company keep customers? Why do customers keep buying your product? Or, we can find out the dreaded opposites of those, why there are no customers, why are they leaving, and why are your product sales declining.