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When a marketer needs to know about its market, we apply 20 years of experience to define market size and shape, competitive positioning, and new product launches.

There’s essentially two sections of industrial manufacturing and products.  The vast, and the niche.  We can help with both.

There are only so many ways to make a widget, and only so much to be done to make your widget unique from your competition.  Make to many and your company is losing money on storage and waste, but if you don’t make enough then you lose customers to the competition, and you may not get them back.  Evident can use your internal data, and leverage it with external data that we can collect to help make informed decisions on your product and market space.  We have the knowledge from our years of experience, and technologies including Big Data, AI, and the newest data science techniques that can give your company the edge in what could be a saturated market.

But let’s say your company may be making or has the opportunity to make a niche product.  But does it make sense, can it grow, and can it be expounded on?  Evident has the talent, the resources, and the experience to research your select markets and the wider markets as a whole to see what potential demand is so that your manufacturing resources can be scaled to match.  Niche products can be extremely profitable, as long as the customers know that they exist, where to buy them, and how many are available.


  • Global Winch Market

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