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Market Research

Differentiation Analysis and Bench marking.
End to End Funnel Analysis.
Campaign Optimization.
Brand Strategy.
Sales Structure.

Evident has the ability to develop researched backed strategies that can guide your company’s marketing plan to grow your brand and sales.

We have years of experience in the B2B and B2C sales and marketing space, and understand how to have people find the products they are looking for, whether they know they are looking for them or not.  Using our past industry knowledge, we can build out actionable steps that advance the strategic goals of your business.  Not only are we relying on our experience, but we also harness data, technology, and unmatched creativity to create marketing tactics for your company that will give you a competitive edge.

Advertising that has poor conversion rates waste your time, money, and most importantly, your opportunity to grow.  Missing out on converting marketing qualified leads to sales qualified leads, having low click-through rates, not developing organic site traffic means that there is something in the advertising mix that isn’t working—let us help you find out what that is.  We have the means to find the opportunities for improvement, and build out your campaign to have the tactical advantage over your competitors.

Whether your product or business is just a concept or established, we can give you insights on growth opportunities in new markets and new customers

Market research isn’t just for something new but also can also be utilized by established companies. Whether it be a new brand, subsidiary, division, or product- Evident can find the out what is needed to help make it succeed.  We can use your companies past knowledge, leverage your team’s skills, and find out the unknowns and the answers to them to help your company break into new revenue fields and

Are you starting from scratch and want a game plan to help you succeed?  Evident has the toolkit, knowledge set, and experience to help you find out what you have to do to become a future market leader in the industry.  Let us partner with you so that you can also have the resources that other established companies have to build up and deploy out your ideas, products, and services in efficient and effective so that you have the best chance to grow your new company and revenues in the ever changing business landscape.

Does it have legs? If it has legs, can it crawl? If it can crawl, will it be able to balance to walk? And if it can walk, will it run?

What is your idea? Does it have legs?  Do you or your company have the resources to help it push forward and get started? We can look at the market landscape, customer bases, and resources to help you make informed decisions on how this idea can move forward, or if it should.

Can this idea be pushed forward, and will it be able to attract support from executives, investors, customers, and the public? Can this idea crawl past it being just a concept to being something that will attract momentum from the people involved and in the marketplace?  Evident has the resources to help explain the idea, gauge reactions, and build a the tool set to present the idea to stakeholders and consumers so that you can go in with the confidence to make this idea succeed.

What is it going to take to make the idea standup in the marketplace?  What resources are you going to need to make it successful?  Where can these resources be found? How should the customer base be approached and sold to? Understanding the product, the customers, and marketplace to design plans to launch and implement your company or product is a key factor to success, and Evident has the ability to help you find that possibility for success.

What is it going to take to make the idea become the front runner compared to the competition? Is it even something that has competition? And if it’s unique, what can be done to mitigate copy cats and low quality knockoffs from cutting into sales the market presence.  Planning for the future is one thing, ingraining future leadership into the product is another.  Evident can help you make the decisions early to help your idea stand out from the rest, and become something long term, rather than a fad that is the public is interested in for short time.

Information Collection, Information Breakdown, Information Planning, and Information Implementation

Businesses are driven by information. Sales are driven by using that information correctly. Evident has the capability of working with your sales, marketing, production, and procurement staff to find the relevant internal information to improve your company’s sale processes and schedule.  Furthermore, Evident has the resources and the talent to find the external customer information needed to make informed decisions about product and marketing strategies that your company can use to boost revenues.

Finding the information is one thing, knowing what that information means is another.  Evident has a the knowledge, experience and background to analyze and understand what the data from your business and customers mean.  It doesn’t matter knowing that X affect Y by Z amount, but knowing why X affects Y by Z means that a change can happen to take advantage of this knowledge so that there can be positive outcomes for your customers, your employees, your company, and your revenues.

What can be done now that how this information interacts with things?  Evident can help develop strategies for your business to take advantage of this knowledge, and understand which levers have to be pulled so that your company can grow sales, develop products, and build customer bases.  Developing sales, product and marketing strategies based on relevant, realistic, and relevant information means your company’s sales are on the cutting edge, which means your sales strategy will be efficient and effective allowing your company to compete harder against your competitors.

Now that the information points to and tells us what has to be done, Evident can work with your internal teams to implement these sales, marketing, product, and manufacturing strategies so that theory can become reality.  We can fully integrate ourselves as deep into your organization as needed so that your company has the best chance at making the plans based on information succeed, and train your internal teams to continue with the plans so that the information can have a lasting effect on not only your company, but your revenues.

The What, The Where, The When, and The How

The What: What products and features stand out to your customer base?  Evident can help zero in on designing product strategies and product development that can make sales happen.

The Where: Having a great product is one thing, knowing where to sell it is another.  Maybe you have a great product, but are selling it to the wrong market.  Maybe your product is selling so much, but revenues, resources, and profits are low because your market is spread too thin.  Evident can help not only tell you who will buy your product, but also who you should be selling to.

The When: There is no need to sell snow shovels in July, so why even try?  Knowing when a product will sell will allow for your marketing and advertising plan to revolve events, weather, and months when your product is sought after; allowing for optimization of your selling resources to take full advantage of the timeliness and maximize your net profit.

The How: The How is putting all of the above together.  Knowing what needs to be done is one thing, knowing how to do it is another.  With Evident as your partner in the planning, Evident can be your partner in the execution.  We can help develop sales marketing strategies, product tiers, segmented services, advertising plans, and more using the what, the where, and the when. And bringing in Evident early in the process allows for an even better experience for your company, which results in better results, which means better profits.